About Aharon
Aharon Grama is a junior student at Brooklyn College and currently pursuing a BS in Computer Science. He was raised in an ultra-orthodox community and left his community to live a self-determined life. After graduating from high school, he served 3 years in the military. Some meaningful traits he acquired from his military service were accountability and productivity. He entered Brooklyn College with an HSE (high school equivalency) in the BC bound program which he is now a peer mentor in. Over the past year, he founded several clubs. Current Chief of Staff at USG and Vice-Chair for Tech at USS. Aharon is the USG President-elect for 2021-2022.
He would like to bring the skills he has acquired throughout his life experience to serve the BC community
Vice Chair for Technology Fee Affairs
The Elections Council
Clerk of Executive Cabinet
Tech Fee Committee
Primary Email: info@bcstudentgov.org / aharon.grama@bcstudentgov.org Secondery Email: USGsecretary@brooklyn.cuny.edu
WhatsApp: Contact me here