Brooklyn College Association

Name & Purpose

According to the Brooklyn College Association Bylaws, The Association is organized under the New York Not-for-ProfitCorporation Law and is operated exclusively for the benefit of Brooklyn College (the “College”). The Association’s principal objects and purposes are set forth in the Association’s Certificate of Incorporation, and include:

Powers and Composition

The BCA is composed of 13 voting directors and up to six alternates.

The composition of the board of directors shall be as follows:

Each regular Director shall have the right to vote, although the Chair shall vote only in the event of a tie. Each alternate may attend meetings of the Board, and shall be entitled to vote on such matters that come before the Board to the extent that the alternate is substituting for an absent member of the same constituency.

Meetings of the Board

Meeting Notices can be found on our BC Governance here

Agendas, Minutes can be found here

Bylaws of the Association can be found here

FAQ for Brooklyn College Association (BCA) can be found here