Brooklyn College Association
Name & Purpose
According to the Brooklyn College Association Bylaws, The Association is organized under the New York Not-for-ProfitCorporation Law and is operated exclusively for the benefit of Brooklyn College (the “College”). The Association’s principal objects and purposes are set forth in the Association’s Certificate of Incorporation, and include:
To be responsible for the supervision and review of student activity fee supported budgets and the administration and management of student activity fees.
To promote and cultivate educational and social relationships among the students, faculty and staff of the College.
To aid the students in their work, study, living, and extracurricular activities.
Powers and Composition
The BCA is composed of 13 voting directors and up to six alternates.
The composition of the board of directors shall be as follows:
The college president or his/her designee, as chair.
Two college administrators and one administrator alternate, each appointed by the college president.
Two members of the college faculty and up to two faculty alternates, each appointed by the college president and consists of faculty members elected by the Faculty Council.
Six students and up to three student alternates, consisting of the presidents of the three student governments and other students selected by the student governments from among the elected members of the student governments.
Two independent directors appointed by the college president.
Each regular Director shall have the right to vote, although the Chair shall vote only in the event of a tie. Each alternate may attend meetings of the Board, and shall be entitled to vote on such matters that come before the Board to the extent that the alternate is substituting for an absent member of the same constituency.
Meetings of the Board
Annual Meeting. The first regular meeting of the College’s fall semester each year will be the Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors, for the presentation by the Chair and the Treasurer of the annual financial report of the Association for the prior year and of current year financial priorities and objectives, for the election or appointment of officers, and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the meeting.
Regular Meetings. The Board of Directors shall hold a minimum of three regular meetings each semester.
Special Meetings. Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be held at any time upon the call of the Chair, or upon the written request of not less than three Directors directed to the Chair or the Secretary.