How do I open and register a club?
Fill out the paperwork and submit it to SAIL: (BE AWARE OF THE DEADLINES see "How to Re-register a club")
Petition - You must collect signatures from 25 currently enrolled Brooklyn College students who are committed to becoming members and/or interested in serving on the executive board.
Sample can be found here
Constitution - Develop a constitution that outlines the procedures that clearly define the club/organization’s methods of conducting business.
Sample can be found here
E-Board - Fill out the positions of the club leaders. (President, VP, Secretary, Treasurer, Club Connector, etc.) President and Treasurer are required
Sample can be found here
Wait for the paperwork to be reviewed
Club affairs will reach out with any issues with the constitution
Club affairs will schedule a meeting with the club rep (if needed)
If approved, SAIL will reach out with instructions.
Folder with all documents and guidelines (including useful templates) can be found here
Edited Feb. 11th 2024
How do I re-register a club?
For those of you who may not be aware, registration is an online application that organizations complete every Spring semester in order to maintain their active status for the following academic year. During this time, clubs have elections to elect their new Executive Board (E-board) and complete all the necessary paperwork to transition seamlessly into the next year.
Elections should happen prior to submitting registration but can take place during the month-long window of registration (Feb. 1st- Feb 29th 2024) Elections are held to elect the members for your club/organization’s E-board for the upcoming academic year. If you are unfamiliar with how to hold online elections, a “how-to guide” can be found in the help section on the Campus Groups Bulldog Connection page (LINK)
Once your organization completes its elections, you will be able to move forward with registration. The link to the Registration application can be found on your Organization's page and will take the form of a BLUE BUTTON above the club's name and will say " Group Re-Registration." After clicking on the blue button, you will be transferred to the application which has twelve steps that need to be completed. Below are some guided steps which will help move your registration process smoothly:
Organizations must upload a digital version of the club’s constitution. If you do not have a copy, you can request one by emailing
Each board member must complete SPARC Training (Sexual & Interpersonal Violence Prevention And Response Course). This only needs to be done once a year by each person regardless of how many clubs they are a part of. Once you have selected your new e-board members, please reference the online form; or fill out the form: or the document version: . Once you have completed this form please email and state that this has been done. Once your email is received, your new board members will be uploaded into the SPARC system and will be able to complete their training on Blackboard.
Please be aware when adding or inviting members to your organization’s roster, remember that the invitation will be sent to the student’s CUNY email unless the student changes their Bulldog Connection profile to their preferred email.
If you have any questions or are confused by any aspect of registration, please feel free to email
Edited Feb 11th, 2024

Documents curtesy of S.A.I.L